Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Dark Knight

This list wouldnt stand ground without mentioning Christopher Nolan's biggest masterpiece till date-The Dark Kniht. There are people who have seen this movie and appreciated it quiet well but I have never met a man who has understood the movie to its fullest. This movie is shot in such a way that most dialogues and scenes have got an inner meaning and to savour it to the fullest, you have to have an open mind and not consider it as an action flick as was the mistake made by many people.
I pride myself in being able to understand and cherish each scene of this movie to its fullest, but I would be overwhemed if someone would be kind enough to show me what I have missed.

Most of you already know the story, so this is about what you might have missed.
Plot: The plot unfolds as "Joker"  psycho criminal mastermind, comes to Gotham and starts wrecking havoc around the city. Batman is the only one to stop him. But this movie is not about Joker vs Batman. It is good vs evil.

The story of dark Knight is not  about a fistfight between batman and Joker, but  the people showing that good is still alive in eeryones heart.
The joker believes that inside every human being there is an animal, masked with our common friendly faces. But no matter who we are, we are capable to become that animal, to even eat each other, if that is what takes for survival. The joker wants to show everyone that inside, everyone is like him. But when the people in either ships doesnt press the button to blow up the other ship, the people of Gotham proves that they are not savages inside. The people defeat the Joker through this display of morals.
Having said that, this movie was more about joker than it was about batman. Batman and Joker are alike. It was once said that if you become a symbol, you become much more than a man- without weakness. Batman was a symbol and so is Joker. In the movie, there is no mention about his past. He is not afraid of pain or danger. He has no lust towards money, wemen or anything The stories he tells about his scars are different at different times which means he is just making it up. Stuff like this makes him something more than a man.
The Joker is what every man ever wanted to be- "Not bound by laws of societies or social boundries". dosent have to answer to anyone. he is the master of his own will.

I remember a scene in which it is written on a truck "Laughter is the best medicine" and an S has been added to the left of L by Joker  which makes it "Slaughter is the best medicine".

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